Finally back to blogging! The the start of the year was a not what we were expecting, to say the least! I noticed it was a lot of sadness, heart ache, and stress. Although we still had blessings coming our way, and wonderful things happening with our friends and family, I could still see the sadness and stress in the people around me as well as myself. We had two family members diagnosed with diseases. Through prayer one is in remission, and the other seems to be adapting okay. We also lost a dear friend on January 28, Brandon. He was one of the happiest people I knew. He always knew how to put a smile on your face, he was positive, and life of every party. I thought to myself, he would want us happy, smiling, having fun, life. Than I noticed my cousin Bethany had been posted pics and was #
100dayshappy. I thought you know what?? I need this, I need to be reminded of all the happiness that is around me, even if I don't feel it all the time. So I started the challenge April 3. I also noticed I wasn't the only one going through this and some of my friends, said hey what is this you are doing?! I explained and sent the link to them.
Check it out:
I encourage anyone that needs a pick me up or to start looking at the positive in life so try this out. I will post everyday via facebook or instagram but only blog about one or two pics a week. You are welcome to join me in this adventure and/or join the challenge. You in?