Hope your new year is going well. A quick update on my 30 day challenge. The goal was to workout 30 minutes a day, read something inspirational (daily), one selfless act a day, and a 30 day photo challenge. I thought the easiest part would be the photo challenge as I love documenting everything!! However, it was the workout routine, since January 3, 2014 I have worked out a total of 532 minutes. That totals to an average of 29.5 minutes a day...my goal is to average 30 minutes a day, not to shabby! In the area of inspirational readings (daily), I decided to read a daily devotional bible my grandmother and grandfather gave me years ago. It was one of the last things my Grandma Bev gave me before passing away and I am only reading it now. It is going well. I don't have time to read it everyday with school work but I am only a few days behind, and it is has been nice to have me time. If you know me, you know I am constantly on the go....I like it that way but lately our lives have changed so I am enjoying the quiet time. Another great sense of relief has been the gym. Loving my oldie by goodie gym buddies and the new ones that have joined this year! It keeps the motivation going and boat season is only 92 days away. I will post the 30 day photo challenge at the end of the month. Lastly is the selfless acts, this was becoming a challenge as I see the same people Monday through Friday. So in an effort to uphold the challenge we have donated some furniture to family, clothes to City Mission and Laura's Home, and honestly just being kinder to others, even ones that don't treat me the same way.
For today's blog I wanted to share a money savings tip with all of you and a new recipe.
How to cut your grocery bill in half! For YEARS my husband has been telling me to shop at Aldi's. I was always apprehensive, kind of one of those...it's to good to be true...type things. Well now my mom and aunt are shopping there and they suggested it as well (I know I listen to my mom, crazy <rolling eyes>). We normally spend $200-250/pay at Giant Eagle or Heiniens and that is with coupons. It was becoming a bit much every month. So we decided to check out Aldi's in Macedonia. One word...SAVINGS! We bought double the food for half the price. My average grocery bill is now $120/pay...that's right it was cut in half! We are able to get meals for lunches, at least 8-10 dinners, snacks, and a few extras (such as dishes to bring to parties). The only thing I would NOT recommend there, is there queso dip, everything else is fresh, well preserved, and cheap. They don't have fresh herbs and or a wide variety of fruit. I recommend getting fresh herbs from the West Side Market (only a buck), or try your local farmers market. I prefer fruit from Farmers Market in Solon, but I am not always able to make it there. Check it out and let me know what you think. I can only recommend the one in Macedonia, I have not tried others.
So with my new groceries I decided to make a healthy salad I found on Pinterest. I tweaked it a little and I think for the better :) Enjoy!
2 avocados (peeled, pitted, & cubed)
1-2 Steak tomatoes (cubed)
1/2 ball fresh mozzarella (cubed)
1-2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1-2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tsp. basil (dried, but fresh is always an option)
salt & pepper to taste
2 tsp. basil (dried, but fresh is always an option)
salt & pepper to taste
Mix together and serve, it is also nice the next day for lunch. It may not look it but it is.

*I used an image from online because I forgot to take a picture. Copyright image goes to: http://www.chefjenny.com/2012/02/avocado-tomato-mozzarella-salad.html
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